Your Video Marketing Company
Your place to find a Local Business or Service
We are a Video Marketing and Local Media Network
By synergizing our Social Media Video Broadcast with the Shop Local Fenton Linden page, we aim to provide optimal exposure for local businesses across popular platforms like Facebook and YouTube.
At an incredibly low cost, I offer comprehensive services: capturing, editing, and posting your business spotlight video on our Facebook Platforms, ensuring daily visibility to thousands of local individuals.
Our Live and Local Linden page boasts nearly 3000 followers, while the Live and Local Fenton page has 2300 followers, and the Shop Local Fenton Linden Page has 1300 followers. Remarkably, all three pages are consistently expanding each month.
In addition to business videos, I am also equipped to create captivating wedding videos.
My rates are highly competitive, offering affordability without compromising quality. Feel free to reach out today for more information at 248-343-0363.

from website design, videography, social media marketing, Facebook, and YouTube broadcasting as well as our shoplocalfentonlinden website we want to bring your local business to the next level giving you exposure like never before. That is our goal!
Is our Facebook Video Broadcast covering the city of Linden. We cover local events and spotlight local businesses. Click the Link above to check it out!
Is our Facebook Video Broadcast covering the city of Fenton. We cover local events and spotlight local businesses. Click the Link above to check it out!

Save Some Money On Your next Video! Whether your looking for a wedding videographer or to have a Business highlight video done, I can help!
Our Shopping Local Media Network where local consumers can find a local business that will meet their needs and where Local Businesses can advertise their business in a video format to better inform their potential customers. Check it out here!